Tag Archive | relationship with a borderline

REPLY CLAIMING BPD individuals are victimisers: your thoughts?

I received this reply to my post about the online BPD bully.. I didn’t feel like it was constructive and felt attacked yet again. I am aware of my behaviour and am in therapy for it, what are your thoughts on this comment? I have deleted the name of the blogger so they don’t feel attacked.

Sep 2, 3:10 am

BPD behavior CAN drive other people to the breaking point. Yes, you have suffered, but you sometimes behave like an abuser yourself. Screaming rages … Projecting your past abuses and rejections onto present, seeing rejection everywhere, creating crisis after crisis. Black and white thinking. Hyper-critical. All’s fine if your partner knows about your BPD, and walks on eggshells, actis as an amateur therapist — validating YOUR feelings and experience. But what if they can’t take it any more and stand up to/confront you? What if they have problems and feelings too and lose their patience? What if they don’t know you are BPD and treat you like a “normal” person? What if they refuse to accept you as the perpetual victim? BPDs can be a nightmare to live with — spreading the pain they experienced as victims wherever they go. The victim becomes the victimizer. If that is impossible for you to see then you are not in recovery, you are in denial.